Social Media Pricing Plans
Unlock your business potential with Seafoam Media Marketing and elevate your social presence.
Make Waves...
1Month: $350.00
6 Months: $325.00
12 Months: $300.00
(per month with contract)
1Month: $550.00
6 Months: $525.00
12 Months: $500.00
(per month with contract)
1Month: $1050.00
6 Months: $1025.00
12 Months: $1000.00
(per month with contract)
Dedicated Social Media Manager
10 posts per month per channel
Publishing & Scheduling
1 creative meeting per month
Optimize pages for an attractive social media page layout
Great for start-ups
Ideal for small business
Facebook & Instagram
Dedicated Social Media Manager
20 posts per month per channel
Publishing & Scheduling
2 creative meetings per month
2 hours of engagement per month
Strategic plans to focus on reaching your highest demographic
Optimize pages for an attractive social media page layout
Geared for
established businesses
Facebook & Instagram
Dedicated Social Media Manager
30 posts per month per channel
Publishing & Scheduling
2 creative meetings per month
4 hours of engagement per month
1 video post
Strategic plans to focus on reaching your highest demographic
Optimize pages for an attractive social media page layout
Tik Tok Accounts
One time set up fee of $150.00
Add monthly management to any plan for $200
4 videos per month targeted to your preferred demographic
One time set up fee of $150.00
Add monthly management to any plan for $100.00
2 Blogs per month written on the subject of your choice.
Additional Channels
One time set up fee of $150.00 per channel
Add monthly management to any plan for $100.00 per channel.
10 posts per month per channel